Adnan syed phone log
Adnan syed phone log

adnan syed phone log

“The Cell Phone Evidence in Adnan Syed’s Case Illustrates a Depressingly Common Problem.” Huffington Post, 12 February 2017. Because of this, there is not enough concrete evidence to prove Syed’s guilt so as the saying goes he is innocent until proven guilty. The cell phone evidence, Jay’s testimony, and supposed lack of alibi can all be challenged with more recent information. Overall, I believe Syed to be innocent as there is not enough proof that says otherwise. Therefore, Syed has an alibi leading to more proof that Syed is innocent. It is not possible for Syed to have been in two places at once so if he was seen at the library he must have been there. Also, there is no reason not to trust McClain, especially after she wrote her claim in multiple affidavits and had no close ties with Syed. This provides evidence of Syed’s innocence as he was seen at the time of Lee’s murder and was nowhere near the crime scene. Syed was still at the library when left” (Serial 2018). She even wrote a recent affidavit in 2015 where she still testifies that she witnessed Syed at the time the crime at taken place: “At around 2:30 p.m., I saw Adnan Syed enter the library. Asia McClain, a schoolmate of Syed, claimed to have seen Syed in the library at the time of the murder. The third reason as to why I believe Syed is not guilty is because he ended up having an alibi. Therefore, Jay’s testimony is not solid evidence for Syed to be convicted. It cannot be trusted that what he said actually happened. This exemplifies that Jay was “bribed” and threatened to talk. Because of this, Jay’s testimony cannot be used as the only basis of evidence, as he had incentive to talk. The prosecutor was willing to provide him with less jail time if he confessed to what had happened: “And at Adnan’s trial, Jay was given both a carrot, in the form of an amazingly favorable plea bargain if he stuck with the prosecution’s script, and a stick, in the form of threatened jail time if he failed to do so” (The View From LL2 2014). This default information was used as evidence against Syed however, it is unreliable because Jay had incentive to speak up about what happened. He said that he saw Syed with Lee’s body and was at the park when Syed was burying her. Jay is one of two witnesses the case has and his testimony was used to convict Syed. Jay is Syed’s former friend who, according to Jay, was at the scene of the crime with Syed, but was not the one who killed Lee. Therefore, this is one more reason that points to Syed not being guilty.Īnother reason why I believe Syed is not guilty of murdering his ex-girlfriend is because of the unreliability of Jay’s testimony.

adnan syed phone log adnan syed phone log

This contributes to Syed’s innocence because there is no solid evidence of his phone being at the crime scene which challenges the original reason for his conviction. Because of this, it is impossible to tell if he was actually at the specific location that day. Any incoming calls will NOT be considered reliable information for location” (Sali 2017). Recently, the phone company has provided reason to believe that the cell phone evidence Syed was convicted on is unreliable as “Outgoing calls only are reliable for location status. One of the reasons as to why Syed was convicted for first degree murder in 2000 was that there were phone signals picked up from his phone in the park where Hae Min Lee, his ex-girlfriend, was killed. However, more information has since been revealed that quashes this initial evidence. Syed is not guilty because of the inaccuracy of the cell phone evidence. The reasons as to why I believe Syed is not guilty are because of the cell phone evidence, the unreliability of Jay’s testimony, and the finding of an alibi. However, this is just my opinion based on the information I know and am not a professional. From what I found in my research, I think Syed is actually innocent. Today, I’m going to be discussing the same podcast, Serial, but I am going to be focusing solely on whether I think Adnan Syed is truly guilty.Īfter I listened to the first episode of Serial, I became intrigued with the case and began researching further on the topic. About a week ago I wrote a post on my blog about my first time listening to a podcast and what my thoughts were about it.

Adnan syed phone log